Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is your space designed well? Here's an idea take a picture...

Many times people find themselves decorating spaces within their homes that they think look amazing. The problem is when you are decorating or designing your own space you have blinders on and can only see within the confounds of the blinders. So stop being lead like a horse and take of those blinders.....take a picture or your space! In fact take multiple pictures from different angles and at different times of the day when the lighting varies. Once the pictures are taken make sure you look at them don't just leave them on your camera.

Also, for my clutter bugs please use a digital camera and save the pictures to your computer instead of printing them off. There is no need for these pictures to become apart of your clutter problem!
Once you have the pictures, take the time to really look at them. Make note of your first reactions. Take down what you think is wrong about the room. Now note what you like about the room. Suggestions; if you are afraid of color your pictures are probably lacking color. You may notice little cohesion in your space. This is probably due to the incorrect use of accessories or color combinations. The purpose of accessories and color is to pull the space together. Think of these as the lipstick, nail polish, and eye shadow of a room. Or for men it is the tie, cuff links, belt, jacket or lack there of.
So think do you have too much eyeshadow or too the shade of lipstick too powerful for the eyeshadow. Or are you highlighting the lips when you want to highlight the eyes? Could it be that a tie is too formal and just a blazer will do? Or do you need to add cuff links to this space to accent the formality of the tie?
Look at the pictures you took of your space, not the actual room....this allows you to take a step back and become a third party, an unbiased eye. Ask yourself these questions...then go back to the initial feeling you had when you took your first look at the picture. Was it the feeling you wanted to have? If not, start making the changes based on the feeling you want to have within the space and the answers to the previous questions.
Also, as you begin making changes remember that using one color through out the room does not necessarily bring the room together. The use of a couple of colors can be overwhelming to the eye. Thus, always remember that less is more...because when it comes to design it usually is! Finally, don't forget what the pictures of your space looked like at different times of the day. Add lighting! Never forget about lighting....lamps should be apart of the the decor!! Lighting can drastically modify a space....and put lights on a dimmer so you can change their brightness depending on the occasion.
For my clutter bugs this does not mean you should go out and buy a whole bunch of
lamps. You probably already have them! Find them and use the ones you have!
Also, no need to buy light bulbs to put in storage. If you just replace all your bulbs
with energy efficient ones you won't have to replace a light bulb for it!
Remember design is may be good at many things, but if design is not your area of expertise....guess what that is okay! Do your thing and consult a professional if you need help with design. I would be happy to help you with your space. I can be reached at or check out my website In the meantime have fun creating!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Paperwork Problem

One of the problems my clients run into most often is too much paperwork. People quickly get overrun with paperwork and have complied so much that it becomes overwhelming for them to go through and organize

I find that clients will be willing to organize everything else in their home before touching the paperwork problem. Some clients will work with me to organize every space in their home, avoiding the mounds of paperwork of course, and then once we are finished they say they can handle the paperwork on their own and will no longer require my services. Well guess what happens; they call me weeks, month, and even years later to help them finally finish up the paperwork and complete the organization of their abode.

All and all paperwork can be one of the most overwhelming things for a client and I want to enlighten you on some of the steps you can take in order to keep your paperwork under control.

First of all, decrease the amount of paperwork you receive:

1. Use for reducing unwanted catalogs.
2. Use for reducing junk mail.
3. Cancel you paper bank statements for all of you bank accounts by visiting you bank's website and following their instructions.
4. Cancel your paper credit card statements by visiting the credit card website and following their instructions.
5. Have you accountant e-file your tax return and e-mail you a copy to save to your computer files. (Thus, no need for a paper copy.)
6. If you like to save receipts then make either a file or a drawer where you can easily place the receipts and go through this file/drawer once a month purging the receipts you no longer need.
7. Ask you accountant what types of paperwork you need to save and how long you need to retain them for. I think you will be surprised at how little paperwork you need to hold on to!
8. Buy a nice, but simple scanner learn how to use it and then scan all other paperwork into your computer to be filed away in a paperless form. ((I use the HP Scanjet 4670 because of its sleek design and convenient use.)) (You can also do the same for pictures.) The art of doing this is to organize your paperwork into potential files and then take time to scan the whole file into the computer. Once you have the file save to the computer you can properly dispose of the paper copy. Continue to do this until all the paperwork is filed away onto your computer in properly labeled file folders. (Also, make sure that your computer files are backed up, either to an external hard drive or on-line).

Okay, if you are overwhelmed by your paperwork begin by taking the suggested steps. The key is to stay focused and create positive habits that will keep you organized.

Just think, if you take these steps next time you need to find something you will go to your computer, open the folders, and there will be the file...easy and efficient!

If you need more personal help check out my website and we can discuss your personal situation and your opportunities for success!

ALIA Living, LLC

This blog is a spin off of my company ALIA Living, LLC focused on professional organizing, interior design, and the circumstances that go along with life coaching. I run into various situations in my work and I will provide my tips and thoughts for the everyday reader to use throughout their life. My goals with my work are to help people to create beautiful and functional spaces while living full and successful lives.

ALIA Living can help you move your life from where you are to where you want to be!

"Live better through organization, design, and life choices."

-Alia Butler, MA, MSW